
Showing posts from July, 2022

The Artwork for Babylon Beyond!

  It took me a few days, but by goddess, I did it! I'm taking a class entitled "TV Animation Lab."  The name explains itself.  The objective is to write a pitch for an animated series for television. During the first class, I only had a vague idea of what I wanted to do.  I have several ideas for feature length animated films, but television?  This was a new challenge. Or maybe not.  Maybe not so much. For years, I have been struggling to make a fantasy epic about a certain Sumerian goddess.  I wrote many drafts of the script.  I even had a reading live on stage, and it was received well.  The actors enjoyed performing the roles.  I was encouraged to go further. The problem was the logline, or the pitch. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to encapsulate the story into one sentence.  There were so many characters, so many locations, so much story.  I was completely baffled.  If you stopped me in the street and asked me what was the script about, I'd proba